Promoting the book "Entreprenerd"

I've been discussing the details of the book layout for "Entreprenerd" last week, and once we have made a final decision for the fonts, typesetting can begin. I don't have an exact release date yet, because I don't know how long the proofreading round will take, but in any case: the release of the book is getting closer and closer.

I've already started promoting the book with a web site: entreprenerd.lowagie.com. For every chapter in the book, readers can consult a page with pictures and extra information illustrating what I wrote. For instance, when I talk about open source in chapter 9, I mention the documentary Revolution OS and the paper The Cathedral and the Bazaar. On the corresponding page on the website, you can find a link to the documentary on YouTube and to the full text of The Cathedral and the Bazar on the author's website.

screen shot of the extra's page of chapter 9 of Entreprenerd

I also plan to promote the book on events. During Guberna's Director's Day on February 23rd, I shared my opinion on the positive impact of having a strong board of directors from the point of view of the founder/owner of a company. In its promotional material Guberna used a quote from chapter 19 of the book.

GUBERNA Director's Day: quote from chapter 19 of Entreprenerd

On the same day, Peter Snauwaert, known for his podcast series What s On Your Mind? released an interview (in Dutch) about Gebeten (this is the Dutch version of my story).

If you are organizing an event or interested in interviewing me about start-ups, scale-ups, open source, funding, venture capital, growth hacking, M&A, intellectual property, or other related topics, please connect with me on LinkedIn and let me know what sparked your interest.

Topics: entreprenerd


Book cover Entreprenerd
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