Book sales Entreprenerd 2021-2H24

Another six months have past since my last sales update of my book Entreprenerd: Building a Multi-Million-Dollar Business with Open Source Sofware. 14 additional copies were sold, resulting in an all-time total of 849 copies. Sales keep dropping: from 70 in 1H23, to 35 in 2H23, to 23 in 1H24

Distribution of the sales of the book 'Entreprenerd'

Between July and December 2024, I sold 10 eBooks (5 on Amazon KDP, 2 on LeanPub, and 2 on Apple Books), 4 paperbacks (Amazon), and 0 hardcovers (Ingram Distribution Network). The estimated total of royalties accrued (but not necessarily already received) grew to €5,438.80. The actual total is probably slightly higher because I still use the currency exchange values I fixed on the book's release date.

Nothing much changed with respect to the scores on Goodreads, Amazon and Kobo:

Site Rating # Votes
Goodreads 4.42 stars 26 votes
Amazon 4.6 stars 20 votes
Rakuten Kobo 4.33 stars 3 votes

Unless the sales suddenly get a boost, this will probably be my last sales overview for 'Entreprenerd'. Next year, I'll have a new book, written in Dutch and published by a Flemish publisher.

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