Entreprenerd Website: December 2021

I'm not sure if it still makes sense to look at the performance of the Entreprenerd website. I have the impression that many of the visits are irrelevant. The average engagement time is 3 seconds. That's not a good result.

Analytics Entreprenerd Web Site: users December 2021

I still can't explain the many visits from Finland and The Netherlands.

Analytics Entreprenerd Web Site: world December 2021

And the metrics of the user acquisition doesn't make me any wiser.

Analytics Entreprenerd Web Site: acquisition December 2021

The Google Search charts are more reliable and they show the effect of the season's holidays.

Analytics Entreprenerd Web Site: search December 2021

The keyword "itext" is usually in the top 3, but last month, it lost that status to "lowagie" and "entreprenerd"; only the combination "lowagie.com itext" still refers to the PDF library in the top 3.

Analytics Entreprenerd Web Site: search keywords December 2021

The sales numbers of the book form a better KPI to measure the performance of the website. I hope for some hardcover sales, because I haven't had one of those since September.

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