Entreprenerd Website: September 2021

Yesterday, on the last day of September, I reached the milestone of 300 copies sold. That's nice, but that's far from the bestseller I had hoped Entreprenerd to be. Ah well, it's a good book and that's what matters to me.

As for the website, the metrics are still declining:

Entreprenerd website: visitors September 2021

The main source of visits, apart from "direct / none" (2,073 visits) are Baidu (77 visits) and Google (68 visits), followed by Twitter (68) and LinkedIn (28). I guess I wasn't as active on LinkedIn as usual in September.

Entreprenerd website: source of visits September 2021

Where are my visitors from? The top 7 remains unchanged, but the number of visits dropped, except for that one visitor extra from Japan.

Entreprenerd website geographical origin of visits: September 2021

If we look at the keywords visitors searched for, we find the usual suspects in the top three:

Entreprenerd websites: search September 2021

The average position in the list of hits dropped from 14.5 to 16.5. This doesn't mean much if more keywords resulted in an impression. For instance: the average position when people search for the keyword "iText" increased from 8.9 to 8.2. The number of impressions also increased, from 10.1K to 11.3K. The number of actual clicks remained unchanged: 76.

I didn't discover any new reviews of my book. On the contrary, one score on Goodreads seems to have disappeared. I didn't know this was even possible. Maybe someone threw away their account.

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