Entreprenerd Website: August 2021

A new month has started; let's take a look at the metrics of the Entreprenerd website of last month.

Entreprenerd: visits August 2021

OK, there's a downward trend, but I have to admit that I've neglected the website the last couple of weeks. I promoted the book on LinkedIn in the first week of August and on Twitter in the second week.

Entreprenerd: source of visits August 2021

People finding the site using Baidu went up from 59 to 82. This results in a 15.4% increase of visitors from China. Unfortunately, those are visitors who probably don't buy my book.

Entreprenerd: location of visitors August 2021

People finding the site using Google went up from 52 to 72, or from 59 to 76 depending on the source you consult.

Entreprenerd: search results August 2021

Obviously, the most important numbers are those of the book sales. Without having the information about hardcover sales in August, the sales of the other versions of the book are already better than they were in July. Then again: the sales in July were extremely low. Up until now, I have 285 confirmed book sales. That's still pretty disappointing. All help to further promote the book is welcome.

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