Entreprenerd Website: May 2021

The book Entreprenerd was released on May 15 and when I look at the registered sales, I see that only 98 copies were sold to date. I know that this is an underestimation because some people have told me that they bought the hardcover, and those sales aren't visible in the reports my sales channels made available to me. Nevertheless, I am somewhat disappointed. I thought the book would be more popular. Maybe I'm just too impatient.

When I look at the metrics of the Entreprenerd website, I regret that I couldn't release the book one week earlier.

Entreprenerd website: visitors May 2021

You notice two peaks in the number of users who visited the website in May. Let's take a closer look at how these users were acquired:

Entreprenerd website: acquisition users May 2021

The first peak, on May 12, was caused by a Tweet about my article about Open Source Survival that was retweeted and viewed by many people.

Popular Tweet on May 12

If only my book had been available on May 12, I'm sure I would have sold way more copies already. Ah well, maybe I'll have better luck once the podcast that were recorded last week are available.

The second peak on May 17 is caused by my own mail campaign. On May 17 and 18, I sent out a mail to more than a thousand people in my network, informing them that my book was available. This resulted in an increase of 22.7% of visitors from the US and 132.4% visitors from Belgium.

Entreprenerd website geographical origin of visits

I posted several articles on my personal website, but I didn't spend much time on the Entreprenerd website, which may have caused a small decrease in ranking and clicks when searching for specific keywords on Google.

Entreprenerd website: search in May 2021

People searching for my name are now more likely to find my personal website than the book's website, but I can live with that. All the articles I wrote on lowagie.com recently were about the book.

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