Entreprenerd Website: March 2021

I started building the Entreprenerd website in February, but the results in that month are somewhat skewed, so I don't take those into account. March is the first full month for which I have data.

Google Analytics for Entreprenerd: March 2021

I had about 11K visitors (most of them new visitors) who stayed on the website for an average of 6 seconds. I am happy with the number of visitors (given that Entreprenerd is a brand new site), but the bounce rate is high. Most people leave the site after looking at the landing page.

When I look at the geographical location of my visitors, I see a surprising top 2:

Google Analytics for Entreprenerd: March 2021 (geographics)

What's so special about The Netherlands and Finland? On Twitter, it was suggested that Finland might be the location that is shown when people use VPN to visit the site.

When I look at how people found the website, there is no information on the bulk of the visitors:

Google Analytics for Entreprenerd: March 2021 (sources)

Twitter and the search engines Google and Baidu seem to be important. I am surprised with indiehackers, but the fifth place of that site tells me that it pays to invest some time in posting messages or comments on specific niche sites.

Google Analytics removed reports about keywords many years ago, but you can use Google's search console to discover how many times your site was shown when people searched for specific keywords.

Google Search Console: March 2021

As you can see, many people search for iText, Lowagie and combinations of both names. That's normal because Lowagie is my name and I wrote a book about the history of iText.

When the site was launched, it didn't make the top 10 when people searched for iText, but in the meantime, I've seen results where "Entreprenerd" was the fourth entry in the list, after (1.) the official iText website, (2.) the iText Wikipedia page, and (3.) the iText Github page. The "Entreprenerd" website was more popular than the LinkedIn company page and the official iText Twitter account (actually, @Entreprenerd21 already has more followers than @iText).

When people look for my name, my personal web site is on the first place, but when looking for the combination of my name and iText, the book site is now number one.

Once the book is released, I hope that I'll also see more keyword combinations appear without iText or Lowagie. Currently, the first occurrence of such a combination is on place 12: "java pdf library." That's not the combination I was hoping for. The next combinations are "Matt Danzeisen" (board member at iText on behalf of Crescendo and Thiel Capital) on place 104 and "Bob Wulff Adobe" on place 120.

I also want people to find the site when searching for keywords such as "start-up", "scale-up", "valuation", "venture capital", "open source business", and so on, but I guess I can't expect that only one month after I started developing marketing activities for the book.

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